Thursday 31 December 2020

Concluding Remarks; Bibliography

Concluding Remarks

In this volume, I first examined passages in Cavendish's writings where she explicitly mentions possible worlds in order to establish my overarching argument that Cavendish makes use of the philosophical device of possible worlds and that she does so in a variety of ways. In Cavendish's poems, we see her exploring possible worlds in a metaphysical and scientific way, for instance, in relation to planetary systems. In Cavendish's Orations, we see that her scholarly orations also make explicit reference to possible worlds, this time in relation to living well, such as what constitutes the good life for a scholar. Having demonstrated my argument over several chapters, I then raised the question of whether an element of the possible worlds approach can be found even in passages where Cavendish does not explicitly refer to them, such as in Cavendish's Female Orations and those just prior to these concerning women's liberties. I maintained a possible worlds analysis despite a lack of explicit possible worlds terminology being present in her text. However, in these instances, I suggest that there can sometimes be a greater need to relate Cavendish's arguments about possible worlds to other philosophical approaches she uses, especially when she is discussing societal issues impacting on people's flourishing and explore her methodology of writing philosophy in the style of debate, dialogue and rhetoric.



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Concluding Remarks; Bibliography

Concluding Remarks In this volume, I first examined passages in Cavendish's writings where she explicitly mentions possible worlds i...